Friday, July 29, 2005

Another Tickle Quiz

Mood Swing Test

My Results.....................

Angelea, your mood tends to swing between Calm & Exhausted.

Most of the time you feel calm. Your positive outlook on life is paired with a fairly low energy level. Although you might not realize it, your lower energy level is a positive attribute—it allows you to fully experience and appreciate your feelings of optimism. When you feel exhausted, your outlook on life tends towards the negative and is paired with an overall lack of energy, which makes it difficult for you to effect positive change.

When you experience the ups and downs of mood swings, the most important thing to remember is that you're not alone. Everyone—even the calmest individual—is liable to fly off the handle now and again.

Boy, if that ain't just the TRUTH! :P That is it..... Calm and Exhausted... go fig. What a combination :P LOL Shawn is always getting after me for being too calm in the face of things that I should be MORE upset about, and too Exhausted to keep up with all of the things that I should.

Today I am dragging ass big time! Have been up every night until about 3 am cleaning house and working on projects.... just about ready for a crash day. Maybe tonight. Feeling extremely wore out :P

But, I'll feel better come Tues. (Mondays ALWAYS SUCK!)


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