Monday, July 11, 2005

In Rememberance of Michael

Well, today (Monday 11th)at around noon, our dear friends' youngest son Michael passed away in the hospital.

He had XLP, of which very little is known as it is a rare disease. A disease BEST treated with stem cells! So please, SUPPORT the study and use of stem cells.... as they could have saved Michael's life!!!

National Cord Blood Program

Stem News Cord Blood

We all knew Mikey! Everyone who has ever met him has found him charming :D He was a fun loving, energetic child who wanted to grow up to be a Cop so he could "Protect & Serve"! He had a joy for life that very few of us may ever know.... and he lived every moment to the fullest! He will be missed....forever!

Please, send a prayer and a thought to the family of Mike. A very bright light has gone out of their lives, and every bit of prayer and energy helps in a time such as this.

We hope that someday more studies will have been done, and more advances made, including stem cell treatments that will help save the lives of other children afflicted with XLP, so that others may live!

You will always be with us!!!! Love, Light & Blessings!!!!


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