Friday, August 05, 2005

My Personal Creed & Prosperity Spell

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Here's a spell I wrote for Prosperity. I figured many people about right now could use it :P

Prosperity Spell
What you will need:

 Green candle
 1 or 3 New pennies (Depending on which version you use)
 Prosperity Oil (Or you can use Cedarwood Oil)

Version 1:

Sit and meditate ~ Visualize your bills being paid, your pockets full of money, your savings account full, it raining gold coins ..whatever! Empower the candle with these images while carving a $ sign into the wax.

Now light the candle. Anoint the penny with oil while saying:

Lucky Penny, Penny New,
Bring me Luck, Luck so True!
Copper, Silver, Gold or Cash!
Bring me Money, Money to Last!
Maybe thru Luck, Never thru Harm,
Hard Work is the Best, with the Help of this Charm!
Lucky Penny, Penny New,
So Mote It Be, Let my Wishes come True!

Let the candle burn down until the $ sign is gone! Remember to never blow out a candle! Use a snuffer or some other technique. Remember to always keep safety in mind when working with candles and fire!

Keep the penny in your wallet and recharge it whenever you feel it wearing down!

Version 2:

Perform the above spell…only use 3 pennies. Once you are done with the spell, spend the 3 pennies in 3 different places with a wish for them to bring their next bearer good luck with money, and in the process to you as well!

Spell and Creed are for personal use only. Copyrighted Angel Wolf Studio 2003 & 2005


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