Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Seems like forever............

.....since I have been online :P Kids go back to school soon and all is CRAAAAZY! LOL

I'm so proud of him... my oldest tested very high on his music test and was fitted for the French Horn! :) I'm glad that he got an instrument that will challenge him... hopefully it will help to keep him focused :)

Sorry the pic is so crappy..I lent my digital to my mother and had to use my webcam :P That's a pic of him with the loaner his teacher let him use until we scrounge up the money for his rental. Thank god for teachers!

I also wanted to share a little something of my life with you all... nothing huge.... just a strange line of coincedences..

Yeah, I have noticed that things are starting to fall into place... I have but to ask, and then seize the opportunity. :D Maybe it's a cappy thing...LOL Has been like this for my Mother as well, who is a New Year Cappy :) Course, she has a hard time seeing the forest thru the trees... so I doubt that her luck will run any further than simple little things :P But maybe she will open her eyes soon ;) We can hope!

Funny, FUNNY little things lately......

So, my mom is driving down the road the other day when she thinks to herself... man, I could really go for some apples, but they're out of season :P When she spots a bushel of apples sitting along the road. But, being broke she figures she can't afford them and keeps driving. She gets almost home when she says to herself... Maybe they are giving them away for free... so she drives back. Only, there are NO apples, but instead an art table..... which, she was saying to her husband the other day that she needed one, and it was free. So she gets the art table :) Now, the day before this she calls me and asks me if I have an ear candle. I'm, and I have NO clue how to make one. So she says, Oh well. I went shopping that day and happened by the herbal store for some oil for my salve and I pay and am walking out the door when I notice this vase of things. My first instinct was , If I don't recognize it, then I surely don't need it... keep going........ but, I turn around and I ask the lady what they are.... and of course, they're ear candles! LOL So I bought one for my mom. :)

So then she comes over the next day to drop off some stuff for the kids. I had made my salve the night before and was trying to decorate the jars and was thinking... I need some Raffia..... well, I ask my mom, master crafter..LOL... if she has any at home I can use... well, she happens to have a grocery bag full in the car!!!! LMAO

The next day I decide that I need some smaller sample sized containers of salve.... but I have searched all over at both the Coldwater and Sturgis stores.... no luck on smaller containers. I go to get the kids from Great Grandmas in Battle Creek and I'm telling my Grandfather about my dilemma in finding the right container. I swing by Wal-mart on the way home for dog food... and I walk right down an aisle to find a display of the PERFECT little tins, 3 for a buck! LMAO

So, it seems that all I need to do recently is ask...... course, I'm still waiting on that French Horn to magically appear! LMAO $1,200 is the CHEAPEST we can find one so far...and it's used even :P Man these things are expensive! :P We can barely afford to rent the damned thing :P Keeping my fingers crossed :)

With school starting up, money has been really slim. When our last vehicle broke down... make that the second within a month's time.. we not only had to pull out what little savings we had, he also had to take out a check advance to get it fixed :( So now we're playing catch-up AGAIN... which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for 2 Aug birthdays and school starting.

As to my help there..... he has addictions up the whazoo..... and problems. We worry that he is schitzo or something. He seems to bounce back and forth between the fake nice ****** and the mean, angry, nasty ******. :( He's already been found guilty of neglect of the children by the state, he doesn't pay support... but he still tries to be father of the year. He hits on their teachers, underage girls and everyone in between. He takes advantage of the people from his church.. TRASHED a beautiful little house an older gentleman let him rent... plus squatted there for a month and a half AFTER it was sold and they told him to get out. He hadn't paid rent in months. He's been to jail, rehab, god knows what else. We are pretty sure he was making Meth at one point in time, we know for a fact he was dealing it. It's a big mess. He is moving to Alaska with his mom on the 22nd..... no more worrying about him raising hell or showing up uninvited.... but also, guarantee that I will get no child support :( He has a warrant out now for non-payment and he is back at least 10 grand... possibly up to 20 by now. Hopefully he will pay bond one last time before he leaves..... then I can take the kids clothes shopping for school. Right now money is so tight...... :( sux.

As soon as the kids go back to school...just another week! YAY! I can get to work on my children's books... and hopefully start not only making a name for myself.. but making some sales ;) Then I can work from home and provide us with the extra income we need :)

I'm remaining optimistic! Making the best of our situation and doing what I can to pull it all together. I know it will all work out, maybe not quite when we want it to... but hopefully at least when we NEED it to ;)


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