Wednesday, August 31, 2005

New Pit Bull Forum!!!

Now up and running! The Pit Bulls in Truth online forum! :D

It is a Free Forum, open to everyone! Please stop by and sign up to join us :)

My goal is to have a place where people can come not only talk about
the issues related to owning a Pit these days, and fighting BSL...
but also a resource for those trying to find other like-minded
people from certain areas involved in fighting BSL and promoting
the positive image of the Pit Bull.

I especially would like to encourage those of you who keep up with
meetings and BSL to help fill up the sections on BSL listed by State
so that people searching can find the information they need.

There are also areas for general discussion, stories, adoption,
resources and much more!

I need everyone's help in making this into the best and most
thourough Pit Bull forum out there!!!

Won't you join us?


Topics include......

Breed Information and History
A place to learn about the Pit Bull

A place to discuss Bully breeds and meet other people who love them!

Share with us what made you fall for the breed :D

In the news
Heard an interesting tid bit on tv or in the paper??? Please share it with us! :)

Breed Specific Legislation
BSL in general
Share your thoughts on BSL here.

Alabama - Georgia
States alphabetically listed! Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

Hawaii - Maryland
States alphabetically listed! Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

Massachusetts - New Jersey
States alphabetically listed! Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

New Mexico - S. Carolina
States alphabetically listed! Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

S. Dakota - Wyoming
States alphabetically listed! Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

Canada and the UK
Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

BSL Abroad
Please post BSL information, meetings, newsletters, groups, organizations, fund raisers and events here!

Judge the Deed, Not the Breed
Pittie Heros!
Share with us your Pittie Hero!!! We want to show the wonderful, loving, AMAZING side of the breeds!

Wrongfully accused
Please tell us of instances where a Pit has been wrongfully accused so that the record can be set straight!

Bad apples
A place for stories of pits that have indeed done wrong. We must be fair in examining both sides, and determining how best to address this issue.

Just for the Humans
The Park

A place for all other discussion and topics not relating to Pitties.

The Laugh Lounge
Have a funny joke?? We could all use a good laugh for sure! But try and keep it clean and non-offensive please ;)

Did I leave something important out? Let me know!

Books and Reviews
Read a good book on Pit Bulls, training or dogs in general? Share it with us here! If possible, please provide a link to a site like Amazon for those who wish to purchase a copy :D

Personal Websites
Have a website pertaining to Pit Bulls? Share it with us!

BSL Websites
Know of a good website about BSL? Share it with us!

Known Offenders - DNA List
Know of a person or persons that have mistreated Pits and are still seeking to aquire them? Please let us know.

Pit Bull Rescues
Rescue Groups
Please list your rescue group here.

Transport Requests
Have a dog seeking transport to safety or a new leash on life? You can find others available to help here or offer your resources.

Pits in need of Forever Homes
Have a Pit that has been waiting for a Forever Home... post your info here.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

REQUEST! Looking for Photos!!!!

Well, many of you already know that I have and love my pittie! I have a request though.... I am trying to put together a "thing" to show that looks can be decieving, as can dogs based on looks. I am looking for photos of dogs of different breeds and their owners..... I am looking for real life couples that are unusual.... small lady with great dane, big strong man with maltese, you get the point ;) I would also like some that are not so strange, just to be fair... hunter with a hunting dog, etc :) I want REAL dogs and owners please :) If you would like to be a part of this project, email me your pics and names you would like used. I will even link the images to your site if you would like :)

It will go up at when it is completed. I would especially like to have some pit bull owners submit pics! :)

All help with this project is GREATLY appreciated! Thank you! :D
You can email me at

Saturday, August 20, 2005

The brat pack

Here are the brats...LOL Well, 3 of them at least ;) Ruby, Bridget and my daughter Raven :)

Ruby thinks that she is a lap dog. Not the kissey type, but the type that wants to just sit on your lap regardless of the size or place of it..LOL When Shawn is not home, she sleeps next to me in HIS spot! Needless to say, this has not gone over too well when Shawn IS home ;) hehehe

Bridget did so very well today :) She met two new people and let both of them pet her :D She is making much progress in her shyness since Ruby has moved in :) If only she could be with everyone the way that she is with us at home. She is the smartest, sweetest, most hilarious dog! She is just so damned scared of new places, things and people. And then people assume that she is mean :( Someday I hope she will come completely out of her shell and realize that people can be nice ;)

Ruby..... what a putz! LOL I love her... but she is not the brightest dog ever...LOL Or maybe she just hides it well ;)

She is persistent though. She can sit in front of the cats for HOURS and never budge. Just watching and waiting. Her and the Big Softy have come to terms and Ruby now gets to sniff and nudge her around. This makes Ruby's little bob-tail just wiggle with happiness! :D

Ruby went last week to the vets and got her shots. She got a clean bill of health, except for a touch of kennel cough from being at the pound. The meds have kicked in and she is like a new pup now! :D She has also finally put on some weight and is only about 5-10 lbs away from her target weight. I think exercise should help accomplish that. :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Quiz: What Mythological Creature are you?

What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with

You scored as Dragon. Dragon: Now talk about a legend. These magnificent creatures are of many species. Some can be as large as the Earth itself, while others are as small as a mouse. One image that comes to everyone's mind is the large, fire breathing Dragons that loathed humans and loved to sleep on massive piles of gold. Not all dragons have a bad reputation. Most dragons are very wise, caring, and protective. It would make a person very lucky indeed to meet a dragon. Especially if they walked away untouched. I admire your wisdom, for you are the Ancient Dragon.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with

Quiz: What is your World View?

You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative
















What is Your World View? (updated)
created with

Seems like forever............

.....since I have been online :P Kids go back to school soon and all is CRAAAAZY! LOL

I'm so proud of him... my oldest tested very high on his music test and was fitted for the French Horn! :) I'm glad that he got an instrument that will challenge him... hopefully it will help to keep him focused :)

Sorry the pic is so crappy..I lent my digital to my mother and had to use my webcam :P That's a pic of him with the loaner his teacher let him use until we scrounge up the money for his rental. Thank god for teachers!

I also wanted to share a little something of my life with you all... nothing huge.... just a strange line of coincedences..

Yeah, I have noticed that things are starting to fall into place... I have but to ask, and then seize the opportunity. :D Maybe it's a cappy thing...LOL Has been like this for my Mother as well, who is a New Year Cappy :) Course, she has a hard time seeing the forest thru the trees... so I doubt that her luck will run any further than simple little things :P But maybe she will open her eyes soon ;) We can hope!

Funny, FUNNY little things lately......

So, my mom is driving down the road the other day when she thinks to herself... man, I could really go for some apples, but they're out of season :P When she spots a bushel of apples sitting along the road. But, being broke she figures she can't afford them and keeps driving. She gets almost home when she says to herself... Maybe they are giving them away for free... so she drives back. Only, there are NO apples, but instead an art table..... which, she was saying to her husband the other day that she needed one, and it was free. So she gets the art table :) Now, the day before this she calls me and asks me if I have an ear candle. I'm, and I have NO clue how to make one. So she says, Oh well. I went shopping that day and happened by the herbal store for some oil for my salve and I pay and am walking out the door when I notice this vase of things. My first instinct was , If I don't recognize it, then I surely don't need it... keep going........ but, I turn around and I ask the lady what they are.... and of course, they're ear candles! LOL So I bought one for my mom. :)

So then she comes over the next day to drop off some stuff for the kids. I had made my salve the night before and was trying to decorate the jars and was thinking... I need some Raffia..... well, I ask my mom, master crafter..LOL... if she has any at home I can use... well, she happens to have a grocery bag full in the car!!!! LMAO

The next day I decide that I need some smaller sample sized containers of salve.... but I have searched all over at both the Coldwater and Sturgis stores.... no luck on smaller containers. I go to get the kids from Great Grandmas in Battle Creek and I'm telling my Grandfather about my dilemma in finding the right container. I swing by Wal-mart on the way home for dog food... and I walk right down an aisle to find a display of the PERFECT little tins, 3 for a buck! LMAO

So, it seems that all I need to do recently is ask...... course, I'm still waiting on that French Horn to magically appear! LMAO $1,200 is the CHEAPEST we can find one so far...and it's used even :P Man these things are expensive! :P We can barely afford to rent the damned thing :P Keeping my fingers crossed :)

With school starting up, money has been really slim. When our last vehicle broke down... make that the second within a month's time.. we not only had to pull out what little savings we had, he also had to take out a check advance to get it fixed :( So now we're playing catch-up AGAIN... which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for 2 Aug birthdays and school starting.

As to my help there..... he has addictions up the whazoo..... and problems. We worry that he is schitzo or something. He seems to bounce back and forth between the fake nice ****** and the mean, angry, nasty ******. :( He's already been found guilty of neglect of the children by the state, he doesn't pay support... but he still tries to be father of the year. He hits on their teachers, underage girls and everyone in between. He takes advantage of the people from his church.. TRASHED a beautiful little house an older gentleman let him rent... plus squatted there for a month and a half AFTER it was sold and they told him to get out. He hadn't paid rent in months. He's been to jail, rehab, god knows what else. We are pretty sure he was making Meth at one point in time, we know for a fact he was dealing it. It's a big mess. He is moving to Alaska with his mom on the 22nd..... no more worrying about him raising hell or showing up uninvited.... but also, guarantee that I will get no child support :( He has a warrant out now for non-payment and he is back at least 10 grand... possibly up to 20 by now. Hopefully he will pay bond one last time before he leaves..... then I can take the kids clothes shopping for school. Right now money is so tight...... :( sux.

As soon as the kids go back to school...just another week! YAY! I can get to work on my children's books... and hopefully start not only making a name for myself.. but making some sales ;) Then I can work from home and provide us with the extra income we need :)

I'm remaining optimistic! Making the best of our situation and doing what I can to pull it all together. I know it will all work out, maybe not quite when we want it to... but hopefully at least when we NEED it to ;)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Really, what is a mother to do? :(


President and Laura Bush: Meet With Cindy Sheehan

The President and First Lady are spending their five-week vacation
this summer at the ranch in Texas. Meanwhile, Cindy Sheehan's son
Casey won't be spending a five week vacation anywhere this summer --
he was killed in April of 2004 outside Baghdad.

Click here to ask that the President and First Lady meet with Cindy

Cindy Sheehan has now traveled to Crawford, Texas, and is waiting for
the President to have a few minutes of free time. She would like the
President to fully explain just what the "noble cause" is that he
keeps mentioning in his speeches, and how sacrificing even more troops
in the Iraq quagmire will "honor the sacrifices of the fallen."

Cindy Sheehan deserves answers to these questions; so does the
American public:

Now, the Secret Service is threatening to arrest Cindy Sheehan when
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Rice arrive at the
ranch on Thursday. They say her campsite on the side of the road poses
a "threat to national security."

President and Mrs. Bush -- meet with Cindy Sheehan; don't have her

My letter to Mr. Bush......

It is your noble fight that you have defended, upheld and pushed forward that has claimed the life of her son! If you would only meet with her, there would be no reason for her to take the actions that she is attempting to take. And if you are truly justified in your actions as our President, then you have nothing to lose by meeting with this mother and speaking with her about the war in Iraq. Prove us wrong Mr. President.

To continue a VACATION in the face of such misery and heartache of your citizen is to only help prove that you are an apathetic, cold-hearted dictator that cares nothing for anyone other than yourself. Show some empathy!!!

Will he meet with her? Will he have the answers she seeks? Can anyone ever really provide an answer good enough for the death of her son? I think not...... but as our President.... he should make EVERY effort! After all... I don't see the Bush girls fighting in the war.'s Statement of Support to Cindy Sheehan

We're taking out an ad in President Bush's local newspaper in support of Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq who's asking for a meeting with the president. We'll publish the number of signers of this statement of support and the best comments in a full two-page spread in the newspaper nearest to Crawford (The Waco Tribune Herald) while Cindy holds her vigil. Will you sign and add your comment before the 3:00 PM Friday print deadline?

Click on the link for's statement of support to go to the site and sign!

Friday, August 05, 2005

My eBay Auctions "Must Have Item" of the week!

You know you want this beauty! ;) Who can possibly go on living without a pair of stuffed frogs "exercising"??? Look at the detail and quality of craftsmanship! I haven't seen anything so beautiful since that Antique German Dachshund

My Personal Creed & Prosperity Spell

Please click to view in it's normal size.

Here's a spell I wrote for Prosperity. I figured many people about right now could use it :P

Prosperity Spell
What you will need:

 Green candle
 1 or 3 New pennies (Depending on which version you use)
 Prosperity Oil (Or you can use Cedarwood Oil)

Version 1:

Sit and meditate ~ Visualize your bills being paid, your pockets full of money, your savings account full, it raining gold coins ..whatever! Empower the candle with these images while carving a $ sign into the wax.

Now light the candle. Anoint the penny with oil while saying:

Lucky Penny, Penny New,
Bring me Luck, Luck so True!
Copper, Silver, Gold or Cash!
Bring me Money, Money to Last!
Maybe thru Luck, Never thru Harm,
Hard Work is the Best, with the Help of this Charm!
Lucky Penny, Penny New,
So Mote It Be, Let my Wishes come True!

Let the candle burn down until the $ sign is gone! Remember to never blow out a candle! Use a snuffer or some other technique. Remember to always keep safety in mind when working with candles and fire!

Keep the penny in your wallet and recharge it whenever you feel it wearing down!

Version 2:

Perform the above spell…only use 3 pennies. Once you are done with the spell, spend the 3 pennies in 3 different places with a wish for them to bring their next bearer good luck with money, and in the process to you as well!

Spell and Creed are for personal use only. Copyrighted Angel Wolf Studio 2003 & 2005

Latest Quiz......

I am 12% Promiscuous.
Complete And Total Prude!
There is a good chance I am still a virgin. I am not certain because I haven't even bothered to figure out what sexual intercourse actually is. But whatever it is I want nothing to do with it. There

Thursday, August 04, 2005

My Stupid.... Caught in a lie

Well, boy didn't I muck it up real good today :P

We have been having financial issues because of an unforseen layoff falling right before rent due...etc. Well, we finally started to get caught up today... so I went to do some shopping.

The dogs have destroyed every toy in the house :P They are just too big to play with stuffed animals anymore... everyday is a fluff covered floor :P LOL

So I went to get the dogs a HEAVY-DUTY rope toy for them to play tug-o-war with. Well, while there, I picked up a brush, also much needed due to the shedding, a collar, much needed due to the fact that the one Ruby came with didn't fit her, and rat food, ..they need to eat too :P

Sooooooo..... I threw in a couple doggie treats and I had a $50+ total :P But, we are catching up and all were needed. So I said ok.

Well, then I get home and Shawn asks me how much I spent today... STOOOOOPID me... I say $30 so as not to shock him with the actual bill. Especially since he was 20 mins away from leaving for work. Then my youngest pipes up and says "No, it was $60!" And WON'T shut up about it!!!! He even says "The receipt is in the car!" Damn kid :P

So.... Shawn is mad at me now, and rightly so, because I was an ass and attempted to hide how much money I had spent today. And I have no idea how to smooth this one over or make up for it.

Me and my STUPIDS :P

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Discovery Update!

They plan to use forceps, scissors and a hack saw made with a blade and DUCT tape to try and fix the shuttle before re-entry!


Man, why don't they just bring them home? Is that shuttle really worth the risk? So much of the technology is outdated anyways :P

I [Heart] Huckabees

I just LOVED this film :D

Course, any film that starts out with that kind of dialogue was certainly meant for me ;) As it is my frequent Inner and sometimes outer dialogue :D LMAO

I wasn't even quite sure what this film was about when I rented it...and yes, I realize that many of you saw it EONS ago..LMAO, but, I have watched it, and I have laughed, and I have connected. Lovely, lovely :)

Aaaaahhh, alas, I probably should read more :P So much time spent in front of the tv. Movies like these make me ponder many things in my life..the whats, where-fores and whys :P

Well, I'm off to get some long awaited work done!

Go rent the movie ;)

Monday, August 01, 2005

Discovery still under scrutiny....

It appears that some pieces of insulation sticking out from the ship are still a major cause for concern. Anything not flush with the body could heat up upon re-entry and end with catostrophic results :( They are trying to find the best way to solve the problem, before determining if the flight home will be a go or not.

I certainly hope that they don't take chances with human life! They have already stated that another shuttle could be in route before the end of August if need be....... why not just rescue them. I realize that they have new systems and new products that can be tested to see how they preform under these circumstances...... but this isn't something they will definitely walk away from if they fail :(

My thoughts and prayers are still with the crew of Discovery! May they have a SAFE journey home!


They are now sending another astronuat into space to fix the shuttle WHILE it is in flight! Man, I hope everything goes well. I know that they probably like chances to try new things in the field...... but, with so little experience with space travel in the grand scheme of things, it is scary none the less.